Monthly Archives: maj 2012


Hvad er status på FN’s 2015-Mål, hvor langt er vi kommet, hvad går godt og hvor halter vi bagefter? Hvad er processen for en post-2015 dagsorden og hvilken rolle kan rettighedstilgangen spille i en post-2015 virkelighed? Hvordan ser FN processen ud og hvad er den europæiske position?

Disse og andre spørgsmål vil blive diskuteret når Concord Danmark, FN’s Udviklingsprogram UNDP og Forum for Rettigheder og Diversitet inviterer til et debatarrangement for den danske ressourcebase om 2015-Målene.

Der vil være oplæg fra UNDPs Nordiske Kontor og Concord Danmark.

Dato: Torsdag den 7. juni 2012 fra 15-17.

Sted: MS, Global Platform, Fælledvej 12, 2200 København N.

Tilmelding er nødvendig. Send en e-mail til Olga Ege på senest den 1. juni 2012.

Rights based development in an Ethiopian context – dealing with traditional norms and a restricted civic space

Director Zerfu Beriso of the Ethiopian Mekane Yesus church’s development organization (EECMY-WB-DASSC) has many years of experience in working with traditional and religious leaders to raise awareness about sensitive issues such as HIV/AIDS. Recently they’ve wished to deal with harmful traditional practices such as Female Genital Cutting, Abduction and Polygamy.

This is in accordance with Ethiopian government’s policies on these issues and in collaboration with traditional and religious leaders.

The meeting will focus on traditional leaders’ interest in discussing so-called harmful traditional practices – how do traditional and religious leaders deal with universal rights? How can traditional leaders and CSO combine respect for traditions with a human rights approach?

What are the pros and cons of aligning with religious leaders in development work? How is it possible for CSOs to work with local government in development?

The purpose of the meeting is to create an open discussion where participants can exchange knowledge and experiences from their related work.

Date: May 10, 14.00 – 15.30.
Place: Vartov, Grundtvigstuen, Farvergade 27, 1463 Copenhagen K.

Registration is necessary. Send an e-mail to Olga Ege at no later than May 8.

The meeting is organized by Danish Mission Council Development Department and FORDI – Forum for Rights and Diversity. - what comes after the MDGs?

A hub for ideas, debate and resources on what comes after the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
